Encuentro "Esfuerzos para hacer frente a la COVID-19". Academias de Medicina de Brasil y Francia

covid"Convite Academia Nacional de Medicina: Brasil e França - Efforts to cope with COVID-19" es el encuentro que, electrónicamente vía internet, tendrá lugar para hablar, compartir y debatir sobre la pandemia generada por el coronavirus.

Se celebrará el día 23 de abril a las 13 horas (horario de Brasil) y se extenderá hasta las 16:00h. Será un "Zoom Meeting" en el cual también se podrá participar a través de Facebook.

En el programa pueden verse los detalles de la reunión así como el progama y sus contenidos.




13:00-13:20 - Opening remarks and introductions

Prof. Rubens Belfort Jr. – President, National Academy of Medicine of Brazil
Prof. Jean-François Allilaire – Executive Secretary, National Academy of Medicine of France
Mr. Keyvan Sayar - Counsellor for Global Issues at Ambassade de France au Brésil
Prof. Patrice Debré – Head of Internationl, National Academy of Medicine of France
Acad. Jorge Alberto Costa e Silva – Fellow, National Academy of Medicine of Brazil

PART I - Chair: Prof. Patrice DebrÉ - National Academy of Medicine of France

13:20-13:30 - Public Health and Epidemiology

Prof. Dr. Vincent Jarlier − Former Chief of the Bacteriology Department of Pitié Salpêtrière hospital APHP

13:30-13:50 - Discussion

13:50-14:00 - Diagnostic Tests and Patients Follow-up

Prof. Dr. Christine Rouzioux − Former Chief of the Virology Department of Necker Hospital APHP

14:00 - 14:20 - Discussion

PART II – Chair: Prof. Jorge Alberto Costa e Silva, National Academy of Medicine of Brazil

14:20-14:50 - Patients Management outside and inside Hospitals

Prof. Dr. Anne Claude Crémieux − Chief of Infectious Department of Saint Louis Hospital (APHP)
Prof. Esper Kallás – Chairman, Infectious Diseases, University of São Paulo
Acad. Patrícia Rocco – Fellow, National Academy of Medicine of Brazil

14:50-15:10 - Discussion

15:10-15:25 - General Discussion (20')

Chairs: Profs. Jorge Alberto Costa e Silva (Brazil) and Patrice Debré (France)

15:45-16:00 - Final remarks and closure

Prof. Rubens Belfort Jr. – President, National Academy of Medicine of Brazil
Prof. Jean-François Allilaire – Executive Secretary, National Academy of Medicine of France